Fri, Apr 4 - Sun, Apr 6, 2025

Spring Thing! 2025

General Morgan Inn

About this event

Welcome to Spring Thing! 2025 Registration

We're excited for our 49th Spring Thing! East Tennessee tradition.  This year we will again be at the historic General Morgan Inn in Greeneville, TN.  We look forward to having you join us.

We have a lot planned for the weekend of April 4th - April 6th:

      Friday - Welcome Reception with hors d'oeuvres and cash bar

      Saturday - Concours d'elegance / Luncheon / Driving Tour / Awards Banquet Dinner

      Sunday - Autocross at MECO Corporation 

The following pages will lead you through the online registration process.  But if you have any problems or questions, please contact Tom Moreno at (865) 437-6116.

After you finish the registration, you will be reminded to also contact the hotel and book your room.

See you in April in Greeneville!

Smoky Mountain Region

Event requirements


The Concours will be held Saturday morning from 9:00 - 11:00 AM in the parking lot adjacent to the General Morgan garage.  Car staging and final prep will be from 7:00 - 8:45 AM, with judging starting promptly at 9:00 AM.  Trophies will be awarded at the Awards Banquet.

A Concours is a competitive car show to award recognition to the owners of automobiles that are best prepared and presented. To simplify things and promote more competition within groups, we will hold only "Street Class" this year.  This is in keeping with the majority of entries we typically receive for this event.  For more information about classes please see Concours Class Descriptions. This also appears later in the registration process.

“Street” (also called "Wash and Shine"): This involves the judging of the car's interior and exterior only (no engine, trunk, or undercarriage). Originality is not a consideration, only cleanliness. "Street" is the class for those interested in showing their cars with some preparation, but not HOURS of meticulous cleaning. 

Guided driving Tour

This year you have the option during registration to choose if you would like to participate in a guided driving tour on Saturday afternoon.  


For help selecting a class please see Autocross Classes. This also appears later in the registration process.  Please add your vehicle information to your Motorsport.reg profile including modifications during the registration process.  This information is necessary for proper competitive classification.  

The Autocross will open Sunday morning at 8:30 AM with access to the course for walking at 9:00 AM, drivers meeting at 9:30 AM, and first car off at 10:00 AM.


Awards Banquet

This year we will feature a sit down dinner with three entree options to choose from.  Please select one dinner entree per attendee.



Entries (63)

Josh Vilardi
Barry Brown
Anthony Davis
Debbie Cooper
George Kehler
Bob Southerland
Mike Matheny
Steve Kidd

General Morgan Inn

Greeneville, TN


Combined organized by

PCA - Smoky Mountain

Registration closed