Thu, Apr 4, 2024

2024 Fast. Food. Cafe Brio

Cafe Brio

About this event

Fast. Food.

Thursday April 4, Cafe Brio in Victoria ... two seatings, 6:00 and 6:30 ... details below.

Two seats left for the 6:30 seating!

There's No Foodie Like a Porsche-driving Foodie!

Fast. Food. is a monthly event for VIRPCA members (plus-ones also welcome) to appreciate the gastronomic delights of our island home. We explore a new venue on the first Thursday of every month, initially in the South Island area.

Join your fellow Porsche-phile foodies for dinner on Thursday April 4 at Cafe Brio, 944 Fort Street, in Victoria.


  • a hard attendance cap has been set at 24 by the venue
    • wait list will be maintained, with cancelations (if any) filled in order of registration
    • the venue has asked for staggered seatings, first twelve at 6:00 and second twelve at 6:30
    • your seating preference will be solicited during registration; registrants will be notified if they are not assigned their preferred choice; this will be based on time of registration... that is, first come, first served
  • service will be "family style" from a set menu
    • price will be $79 per person, plus drinks, tax, and discretionary gratuity
    • soup is served individually
    • subsequent courses are brought to the table in shared platters/bowls
    • menu will be shared by the venue closer to the event
    • gratuity will *NOT* be included in the individual bills... please tip per your discretion
    • dietary restrictions/preferences will be gathered at registration time and shared with the venue

As this is a non-driving, come-as-you-are, separate-cheques event, liability waivers will not be required.

Stuart Macleod
South Island Director

Event requirements

Must be a VIRPCA member.

Attendees (16)

Ray Gumbel
Colin Gans
Dave Hinton
Larissa Lawrence
Donald Layman
Grant Denluck
Geoffrey Melnychuk
Howard McIntyre

Cafe Brio

Victoria, BC


Festival/Social organized by

PCA - Vancouver Island Region

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Event over!