Fri, May 23 - Sun, May 25, 2025

2025 Fiesta New Mexico (Updated)

La Fonda Hotel

About this event

Fiesta New Mexico 2025 Roadrunner Region PCA 

The Roadrunner Region Porsche Club of America is happy to announce and to welcome back Fiesta New Mexico to Santa Fe, NM from May 22 - 25, 2025. All PCA members and their guests are invited to join us. Activities will include a Welcome Reception on Thursday, Concours on the Santa Fe Plaza on Friday morning, and a Landmarks / Gimmick Rally around Santa Fe on Sunday. Other activities include driving tours around the beautiful roads of central and northern NM Friday and Saturday, and an Awards Banquet on the evening of May 25. A Goodie Bag with limited-edition Fiesta New Mexico items will be included.  

More information is below.

Enjoy a special group rate (available after registration) at our host hotel, the historic La Fonda on the Plaza.

The 2025 Fiesta NM Team is looking forward to seeing you and enjoying Fiesta NM 2025 in Santa Fe. Join us May 22 – 25 to see old friends and make new ones at the numerous activities.

FIESTA COST: $325 per person   Kindly be advised: Credit Cards will be charged the full amount on April 19, and no refunds will be provided after Friday, April 18, 2025.

HOTEL COST:  The negotiated rate for a standard room at La Fonda on the Plaza is $249.00 plus tax.  Upgrades are available. Covered parking is included.

RRR PCA Website:

Fiesta New Mexico Email:

Volunteers.  If you wish to participate  as a volunteer only, please send us an email at  You will be contacted to determine how you want to help.

Event requirements

  • Registration.  All registrants must be active members of the Porsche Club of America and must sign a liability waiver at  check-in.  Registration is open from January 15, 2025 through April 18, 2025.

    • Registration Fees  Each person signing up for the Fiesta must pay a registration fee of $325.00. Registrants must be active PCA members, but they may also register a guest who does not have to be your PCA co-member. 

      • All registrations will be accepted, but be aware that some events fill quickly and then go to a “waitlist” status. 

      • When you register online, you must pay with a MasterCard, VISA, or Discover in US funds. If you cannot register online, please email us at  to schedule a time to complete your registration.

      • Please make sure to read the Cancellation Policy for Fiesta and also for the hotel. 

  • Check-In   Registrants should check in for Fiesta on Thursday, May 22, between 4 and 8 PM or Friday, May 23, between 9 AM and 4 PM, at the La Fonda Hotel on the Plaza. 

  • Welcome Reception will be held on Thursday, May 22, 4:00 - 8:00 pm at the La Fonda Hotel.

  • Concours on the Plaza  Join in on the fun of this year's 2025 Fiesta Concours d’Elegance at the Santa Fe Plaza. Cars will be organized based on year and model, so you are competing against Porsches similar to your own. As space is limited, only Porsche vehicles will be allowed to participate in the Concours on the Santa Fe Plaza on Friday morning, May 23, 2025. The first 75 registrants who indicate that they would like to participate in the Concours will be accepted.  We will be keeping track of these numbers and will advise you if we have run out of space on the Plaza for the Concours.  All entries will be eligible for a People's Choice Award.

Tours.  You have choices to make when registering regarding which scenic guided drives you wish to take.  The number of cars for each tour will be limited.  

  • Friday afternoon - Turquoise Trail.     This drive will afford participants the spectacular scenery of the Cerrillos Hills and the foothills of the Sandia Mountains as we make our way down the Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway to Sandia Crest.   NOTE:  This tour is currently at capacity.  You will be placed on a wait list if you register for this tour and will be notified if openings occur.

NM 14 South, aka the Turquoise Trail, is a popular drive for Porsche enthusiasts in the Roadrunner Region. The road rises and falls, twists and turns as we pass through the old mining towns of Cerrillos, Madrid and Golden. Keep your eyes open in Madrid for pedestrians on the road and galleries, restaurants, and shopping you might want to check out on the way back.

Along the way we pass the Ortiz Mountains and the San Pedro range on your left.   At the time of this being written, a large roundabout is being constructed at the turn to go up to the crest.  We will make whatever adjustment necessary to proceed safely through the area.  We will take a quick pit stop before we head up to the Crest.  The road to the Crest is a well-maintained mountain road that rises nearly 4,000 feet in 16 miles.  Sandia Crest Road.pdf   At the top we will  have a spectacular view of Albuquerque and much of the surrounding region that will be our playground for the next several days.   

To return to Santa Fe, we will turn around and return via Highway 14 in reverse - This road is so good we can't help but drive it twice! 

  • Saturday morning: Pecos National Historic Park.     The Pecos Valley has long been a backdrop that invites contemplation about where our civilization comes from and where it is going. Join some of your Fiesta New Mexico friends as we take a trip back in time more than 1000 years. What is now the Pecos National Historic Park is a natural and cultural crossroads through which hunters, gatherers, traders, missionaries, immigrants, soldiers, ranchers and other travelers passed and lived. It is primarily known for preserving the remnants of Pecos Pueblo, a significant Native American settlement, and the site of the Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass. The Pecos Pueblo became known as one of the most powerful of the northern New Mexico pueblos.Why? Location, location, location. For one thing, it was at a higher elevation, 7,000 feet, where the growing season was shorter but the position more defensive. The Great Plains lay to the east of Glorieta Pass, while to the west there is the Rio Grande Valley and the Colorado Plateau, which in turn led to the Gulf of California, Old Mexico, and lands beyond. Whoever controlled the pass controlled the migration and trade routes of a vast region.

Following our drivers’ meeting in the west lot of De Vargas Center, we will depart Santa Fe.  There is no back roadway to Pecos, so our route will take us on St. Francis drive to I-25, then south and east for the 25-minute drive to the park.  There is no entrance fee to the park.  We will meet up with our park ranger for a group tour that leaves from the Visitors Center.  

brown sign with green mountain in background

The Ancestral Sites Trail -- a short walk around the pueblo and an abandoned mission -- showcases the remnants of kivas, adobe structures, and ceremonial spaces, offering insight into the daily lives and rituals of the Pueblo people.  When you’ve made it to the end of the trail, you’ll be at the Spanish Mission Church built in the 1700s.   The paved trail at the park is not difficult and the entire walk is about a mile long.  Walking shoes are recommended, especially if you want to climb the ladder down into one of the reconstructed kivas.  

During the Civil War, this area was also the site of the Battle of Glorieta Pass. This battle, often termed the “Gettysburg of the West,” played a crucial role in halting the Confederate Army’s westward expansion, impacting the outcome of the war. The Glorieta Pass trail is separate and requires a gate code from a park ranger. This trail has plenty of informative markers along the way to tell the story of the Glorieta Pass Battle.

  • Saturday All-day. You have your choice of two all-day tours on Saturday:  The Wild Rivers Scenic Byway  or the High Road to Taos + Mora Loop Drive Out.  Both tours include New Mexico Scenic Byways.

  • Wild Rivers Scenic Byway.    Views of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range and the geological wonder of the Rio Grande gorge await drivers, guests and their Porsches on this tour.  The tour will take the group beyond Taos to the unique Wild Rivers Recreation Area.      

We will begin our day gathering at the west lot at DeVargas Center.  From here we join US 285 for a scenic stretch including passing the world-famous Santa Fe Opera.  The highway passes through the town of Pojoaque and on to Espanola.  Along the way we pass through several Native American pueblos.  We will make a rest stop just north of Espanola at Ohkay Owingeh Casino and Visitors Center. From there the road drops into the Rio Grande Canyon at Velarde.  We follow the Rio Grande for many miles until the road rises up out of the canyon and reveals a magnificent vista of the gorge.  This canyon has been carved from the surface over millions of years.  

We will arrive in Taos where we will stop for lunch at the Guadalajara Grill.  After lunch, we continue through the town of Taos.  North of town, NM 64 joins NM  522 through Questa, where NM 378 intersects and takes us to the Wild Rivers Recreation Area.  

Wild Rivers Recreation Area is a beautiful, scenic and hidden treasure 800 feet above the confluence of the Rio Grande and Red River, both designated wild and scenic rivers.  The newly constructed road to the Visitors Center and to the spectacular 360-degree vista at La Junta Overlook where the wild rivers join was made for Porsches and makes for a spirited drive. A ranger will meet us for a guided tour. There is no entrance fee to the park.  

This drive will enliven your senses to all that is northern New Mexico.

  • The High Road to Taos + Mora Loop Scenic Drive-Out   This is a tour for sports car drivers, featuring spectacular scenery along two of the very best driving roads in New Mexico!  We’ll start off at 7:30 am and get back to Santa Fe around 3 pm (218 miles).  ROUTES: US-64, NM-434, NM-5183  

Tour this great driving road in New Mexico along its twisting curves and high passes. The scenic driving road offers fantastic scenery from Taos to Mora, NM. This loop continues to be a great driving road in New Mexico back up north through the Pecos Natural Historic Park. You'll love driving on the sweeping bends through lush, green alpine meadows and mountain scenery. The curves and elevation changes makes this one of the best driving roads New Mexico road for sports car enthusiasts. The northern section of NM-518 is designated the High Road to Taos Scenic Byway. This particular part of the drive is exceptional with its wide open valleys and challenging, technical curves. The combination of New Mexico 518 and New Mexico 434, it makes for one of the great driving roads in New Mexico!

Characterizations:  Mountainous, Curvy, Exciting, and Scenic.  good driving road near me in New Mexico 

Heading out of Santa Fe, we’ll join the High Road to Taos in Pojoaque. The High Road bumps into the Mora Loop, which can be run in both directions.  We’ll have two groups on this tour so we’re going to have each group go in a different direction—one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. We should pass each other in the Angel Fire area.  Box lunches can be purchased when you sign up for the tour as there will be no sit-down restaurant lunch stop—we’ll eat our box lunches at a rest stop en route.  After finishing the loop, we’ll jump back on the High Road to get to Santa Fe, giving us 5 hours of driving time and 2 hours for lunch, restroom breaks, and a fuel stop, with plenty of time for swapping stories, pictures, and smiles.   

Route map:  High Road +Mora Loop .docx  

Google Map Route Link    ROUTES: US-64, NM-434, NM-5183   DISTANCE: 105 miles   TIME: 2.5 hours

Mora Loop entry in's article 

scenic drive in NM 

  • Sunday's Gimmick Rally. The Gimmick rally will require following a route in the vicinity of Santa Fe, but does not depend on driving speed, the time it takes or when you start and end.  It does require a navigator to read route instructions and read/answer gimmick questions simultaneously along the route.  You will receive your rally packet Sunday morning between 9:30 - 10:15 am in the Santa Fe Room at La Fonda on the Plaza.  The answer sheets must be turned in by 3:00 pm.
  • Awards Banquet.  You will have a choice of entree for the banquet Sunday evening.  Awards will be presented to the winners of the Concours classes, and the Landmark/Gimmick Rally. And to top everything off, we will have a live Charity Auction which  is DIFFERENT. The image we are using for Fiesta is an original painting of a RRRPCA member's car by automotive artist Matthew Holtzmann.  BUT the auction winner will have his/her own car photographed and a painting, up to 24" x 36" with a custom background, created for them. Matthew has an extensive portfolio of images he has sold over the past 10 years. His work can be seen at:

Hotel Info
La Fonda on the Plaza
Address:  100 E San Francisco St, Santa Fe NM 87501
Web site:


Attendees (92)

Lilia Chacon
Larry Bost
Steve Johnson
Richard Kepner
Daniel Friedman
Tommy Thompson
Susan Cave
Tim Drummer

La Fonda Hotel

Santa Fe, NM


Festival/Social organized by

PCA - Roadrunner

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2025 Fiesta New Mexico (Updated)

Fri, May 23 - Sun, May 25, 2025